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Schumitt Immunolgy Research Centre & Laboratory is SIRCL Lab.
SIRCL Laboratory focus on Immune & Inflammation with Refractory, Recurrent and Chronic Disease.
국가공인 슈미트 면역 연구소의 연구를 소개해드립니다.
Immune Research Areas
Raw Material Research Areas
Immune Regulator(T reg, NK, T, B, IFN, Immunoglobulin)
NK Activators
Brain-Gut Axis
Langerhans cell
Immune systems are found in most living organisms. Immune is most medicine for Human.
They reflect the common challenges of existing in a potentially
hostile external environment, and often exhibit a complex,
ever-changing interplay between specialized cell types,
potent effector molecules, and exogenously acquired
molecules and organisms. In our own immune systems,
changes in the delicate homeostatic balance can lead to
major problems, such as allergic responses or autoimmune
diseases. Understanding how our immune system functions is
difficult because of the plethora of different cell types and
biomolecules involved, and because of its extremely dynamic
nature. It is in constant coevolution with pathogens and must
respond rapidly and specifically in each individual to a vast array
of potential threats. Two major limitations of human immune
system studies are their reliance on relatively few targeted
assays and their potentially limited diversity within the samples
examined. Research that can provide genuine answers for immunological questions may require a systems biology
approach that examines large numbers of different cell types and their interplay with real-time effector biomolecules, preferably using diverse sample cohorts.
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